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    c#,android,xamarin,httpclient: Java.IO.IOException SendAsync

    Android implementation of HTTPClient throwing up java.io. ...


    I am confused on how okhttp is in your Java stacktrace, Xamarin.Android doesnt use that? The options for HTTP settings here under Project ...

    httpclient android

    Java.IO.IOException SendAsync


    [monodroid] Not wrapping exception of type Java.IO.IOException from method SendAsync . This will change in a future release. Без async/await еще ...

    javaioioexception sendasync

    c# - Xamarin.Forms - unhandled exception at HttpClient ...


    On Properties > Android Manifest Ive checked INTERNET for permission. Additionally, it goes through an unhandled exception and I cannot see ...

    httpclient exception xamarinforms

    Resolving Native HttpClient Exceptions - Android


    Hello, Id like to ask if there is a way to catch unhandled native exceptions on android in a shared code... Because currently I made a ...

    httpclient exceptions android

    Application crash from finalizer in AndroidHttpHandler ...


    I appears to me that the AndroidClientHandler does not appreciate being disposed while a request is in progress / getting cancelled.


    Problem with an API request - Microsoft Q&A


    Greetings, I have an API call that works often, but sometimes I get back an error I logged and it is this: JniPeerMembers : Android.Runtime.

    problem with an api request

    Crashes on Android that arent crashes


    Hi,. Ive been investigating an issue were experiencing on Android where failed HTTP requests are resulting in crash reports.

    android crashes crashes

    (Android) Xamarin failing httpclient PostAsync ...


    I just ran the update for VS 2019 ver 16.3.1 on Windows today and found that while my iOS project still works fine, I am getting the below error ...

    httpclient android xamarin

    Xamarin Forms Класс HttpClient и отправка запросов


    request.Content = content;. HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);. Либо ...

    httpclient xamarin

    Xamarin Android HttpClient with HttpClientHandler times ...


    I have a Xamarin Android 8 app that includes the ability to download images. I ran into an issue where HttpClient.SendAsync inexplicably ...

    httpclient httpclienthandler android xamarin

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