I am confused on how okhttp is in your Java stacktrace, Xamarin.Android doesnt use that? The options for HTTP settings here under Project ... httpclient android
[monodroid] Not wrapping exception of type Java.IO.IOException from method SendAsync . This will change in a future release. Без async/await еще ... javaioioexception sendasync
On Properties > Android Manifest Ive checked INTERNET for permission. Additionally, it goes through an unhandled exception and I cannot see ... httpclient exception xamarinforms
Hello, Id like to ask if there is a way to catch unhandled native exceptions on android in a shared code... Because currently I made a ... httpclient exceptions android
I appears to me that the AndroidClientHandler does not appreciate being disposed while a request is in progress / getting cancelled. androidhttphandler
Greetings, I have an API call that works often, but sometimes I get back an error I logged and it is this: JniPeerMembers : Android.Runtime. problem with an api request
Hi,. Ive been investigating an issue were experiencing on Android where failed HTTP requests are resulting in crash reports. android crashes crashes
I just ran the update for VS 2019 ver 16.3.1 on Windows today and found that while my iOS project still works fine, I am getting the below error ... httpclient android xamarin
request.Content = content;. HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);. Либо ... httpclient xamarin
I have a Xamarin Android 8 app that includes the ability to download images. I ran into an issue where HttpClient.SendAsync inexplicably ... httpclient httpclienthandler android xamarin